Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that is still practiced today in its original form, even here in Austin, Texas. It has been perfected and passed down through masters for thousands of years. Five Element Acupuncture aids patients by finding and treating their underlying conditions, as well as utilizing their body’s own healing system. This medicine treats an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional issues and their interrelated nature. Five Element Acupuncture is based on the individual, tailoring treatments to their specific needs. No two treatments are alike just as no two patients are alike. In addition to the reduction of symptoms and suffering, many patients experience a wide range of benefits:
- Overall increase in health
- Greater sense of well-being and purpose
- Improved and positive mood
- Enhanced enjoyment of life
- Improved digestion, sleep, and energy
- Stronger immune system
Isn’t All Acupuncture the Same?
There are many differences between mainstream acupuncture and Five Element Acupuncture. In mainstream acupuncture, the needles are placed into position while the patient is left alone for up to thirty minutes. With Five Element Acupuncture, the practitioner never leaves the room, the needles are rarely left in place for more than a few seconds, and the entirety of the treatment is interactive and personal between the practitioner and the patient. Rather than just suppressing symptoms, Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause and thus symptoms disappear.
Beverly Bragg Ware
Classical Five Element Acupuncturist
Beverly has the privilege of practicing Classical Five Element Acupuncture in Central Texas as taught by J.R. Worsley. She is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in the state of Texas and is a graduate of AOMA (Academy of Oriental Medicine) Graduate School of Integrative Medicine.
As a teen, Beverly had a diagnosis where she was losing her hair, gaining weight, and experiencing extreme fatigue. The answers to her symptoms were discovered through this acupuncture discipline.
Now Beverly is in service to others who are facing chronic health issues using Five Element Acupuncture. She is passionate about helping people improve their overall health and well being. Beverly has been studying acupuncture since 2013 and practicing the art of Classical Five Element Acupuncture since 2017.
Welcome to Elements Acupuncture!
January 29, 2020
I am happy to announce the opening of my practice Elements Acupuncture. My practice specializes in Classical Five Element Acupuncture (CFEA), which is one of the oldest forms of acupuncture and is practiced true to its original form…
Read MoreFive Element Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue
April 19, 2022
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term illness that makes it difficult for individuals to complete usual activities. It can even make it difficult for many to get out of bed! 1 It is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for at least six months and cannot be fully explained by an […]
Read MoreFive Element Acupuncture for Men’s Health
March 15, 2022
Similarly to acupuncture for women’s health, acupuncture can be a great remedy for issues surrounding men’s health. It is well established that five element acupuncture treats the underlying causes of pain and discomfort that result in additional issues. For men’s health, this can be stress that results in decreased sexual stamina, erectile dysfunction or low […]
Read MoreFive Element Acupuncture for Women’s Health
February 24, 2022
If you’re a woman, then you know there’s A LOT that comes with being a woman. Especially when it comes to the health of our reproductive system. Women’s health covers a very large array of topics and issues, from pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer, childbirth, pelvic pain, heavy menstrual cycles, infertility etc. etc. and how all […]
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